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How the basic business commerce cycle affects us all
ComTechX overcomes the "age old" dilemma with Open Market Makers - OMMs
ComTechX has overcome this major commerce dilemma by developing a new structure to bridge the gap that gives a business the means to hold "good time" levels of stock and find markets that are able to absorb the stock, and get paid full retail prices.

The Open Market Maker (OMM) is a business and part of the paradigm shift in the commerce cycle developed on the ComTechX Platform that "handles" bulk quantities of stock between the manufacturers or wholesalers and retailers or between retailers and customers.

The OMM is a person who can be positioned anywhere in the world who is connected via Internet to the ComTechX Platform, they can be anyone who provides sufficient identification details about themselves to be registered and supplied with a license to operate on the ComTechX Platform.

Who can be an OMM - anyone really who has always wanted to be in business, they can be business people, retired folk with time and a need for a surplus income, people with extra time on their hands, or those with online auction stores who can add extra levels to their business without the need to handle stock, deliveries and other overheads.

There is no marketing or physical handling of the stock and only requires just a few minutes in a day or a week to a full time operation depending on the person.

The Open Market Maker operates as a business under the terms and conditions of the ComTechX Platform license and receives a margin of 45% over the winning bid value less a 2.5% LAT (Location Activity Tax) on the winning bid value.

The OMM needs to have a small "seed" amount of funds to begin with from $5 and up for bidding as well as $50.00 USD for the annual license fee, which for the first year's registration of a "OMM business" on the ComTechX Platform this fee is converted to KML Credits to help the OMM begin operating.

The way forward with the "new age business person"
Blue Dot The low prices of LA Deal Prices
Products and services move to the Open Market
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