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Wage Flip

World Labour MarketPlace

In Global Supply and Demand, the cycles involved in getting a product or service from the Producers to the end Consumers invariably involves wages  -  often wages is the cost that is the weakest link in productivity cycle that can be exploited.

In a way it's like the casualties of war and get accepted as part of battling the enemy ( competition )  -  in business, workers are the soldiers that battle everyday against the business's competition, workers who are often seen as expendable.

As the Digital Age moves forward there will be plenty of casualties in the business competition, and from automation.

With each revolution there have been massive change in the fortunes of those that miss the transition through no fault of their own  -  history mostly reports of industry changes but rarely is there mention of the transition casualties who can have a Job one day and not the next.

It may be fair to say that it's the cost of change but if the world is to discard individuals as casualties of progress, then the world hasn't learnt much from the past  -  this revolution should and can be different.

While Cloudfunding is able to Outsource the Selling of products and services to generate the unit of Labour Market into Wage Shift Smart Contracts with sell high and buy low dynamics, it also has the connection with the cost of wages that produce those products and services along the Supply Chain.

Wage costs are an integral part of the end selling price of products and services, so there should be a fair distribution of the value gained along the production line by those physically involved in the end selling price  -  Wage Shift brings a solution to that fine balance.

What Wage Shift does is it takes advantage of the up-side of the increased productivity in the local economy where Outsourced Selling takes place  -  Wage Shift draws from both the increased flow of the local productivity, and, stimulates it further with increased wage revenues that can be spent across the broader local economy.

Wage Shift Smart Contracts are designed with two key objectives

-  one is the employee / worker receives 20% increase over their full wage by either winning or buying Wage Shift Smart Contracts.

-  the other is for the employer / boss to pay as low as 20% of an employee‘s full wage ( employers compete with other businesses trying to do the same, with Price Demand's cascading prices being the incentive )  

-  there’s a saving of up to 80% off the normal wage payment with the employee still receiving their full wage plus a 20% bonus ( paid directly from the platforms' economics process, not from the boss )

-  it has a mutual benefit for both, and directly provides the environment where productivity has a positive outcome.

Smart Contracts can be listed using any currency and be as low as a $2 ( or equivalent ) and as high as wages can go, however the Global Crowd still decides which Smart Contracts get fully outsourced.

As Smart Contracts get generated and processed the details of wage levels within industries and businesses help set the established values in wages in which other Smart Contracts are set at.

Wage Shift has no charges or fees, it’s role is to help the Global Crowd bridge the gap between wages and cost of living  -  it’s part of the distribution of value collected from the global productivity and directed into pro-active regions.

Outsourcing Wages is part of the way Cloudfunding functions  -  Labour Market is a cost in generating inventory and Wage Shift Smart Contracts are one of the distribution channels that pays for those costs, with a premium.

Wage Shift Smart Contracts are governed by the amount of productivity in a local region, this means that as product and service deals are successfully processed and sold into the local economy, so too the volume of Universally Decentralized Capital held by local users increases, which can be liquidated into and out with the local currency.

As with most Smart Contracts offered by businesses and industries the Price Demand applies.

Employee   l   Employer   l   World Labour MarketPlace   l   Short Term Jobs


Wage Shift Smart Contracts as part of the World Labour MarketPlace indexes the industries and Labour Market component costs of the products & services listed on the Platform.

Generally the value of Labour Market connected to every product or service determines the end price and it’s the role of the employer ‘boss’ to keep that key cost to a minimum.

Throughout history the employee 'worker' has always felt at various times or even constantly that the payment for their input of Labour Market on the job has been less than fair!

The tactics for an employee 'worker' to get the boss to raise their pay has often come to friction and all types of drawn out negotiations that in the end if a wage rise is granted then it wouldn't be long before another round is needed to all start again  -  a continual cycle that is trying to keep pace with the cost of living.

Of course there are the usual groups that are formed to negotiate on behalf of the many which can still take time, regardless of the tactics.

Whichever way it unfolds the thing that doesn’t change is that there are still Sellers and Buyers involved,

-  with the employee ‘worker’ they are technically the seller of their Labour Market and the buyer is the employer ‘boss’ who is buying that ‘Labour Market’.

With Wage Shift the employer 'boss' is able to buy the Labour Market for as low as 20% of the List Price value and the employee 'worker' is able to gain 20% more for the same work, all without any hassling.

With LAC ( Location Activity Commerce ) governing the value of all products and services on the Platform the Labour Market is able to be separated from any overall Selling Prices and released as Wage Shift Smart Contracts.

The Labour Market percentage is different from product to product and so this value can be grouped together and released as a unique number of Wage Shift Smart Contracts and not connected to any particular product or service but as a percentage of the overall inventory held in the Cloud by the Platform.

The role of the index is to track the volume of Labour Market within the listed products and services to determine the amount of Wage Shift Smart Contracts that could be generated at any one time.

An employer 'boss' is still a Seller on the Platform and can list their products or services and still create Wage Shift Smart Contracts, which would tap into the overall volume of products and services listed by other Sellers, the total Wage Smart Contracts available to list is controlled by the overall amount of an individual seller's listed items.


Just in the way Cloudfunding can outsource selling for any products or services it can also do the same with wages or incomes for any person whether they are employed, between jobs or retired, or even be the employer, no matter where they are located in the world.

With outsourcing selling for products and services being part of how Cloudfunding operates, there's already a connection with Productivity, because wages are a major component in producing products and services.

With any wages paid by an employer to an employee there's always a time when wages fall behind the cost of living, this is when long winded negotiations can begin, or not, often getting bogged down and becoming a problem for both.

There can be times when there's no alternative but to use Pay Day services or other means where short term loans are taken out at high interest, even credit cards can be bundled into this bridging gap of 'live today on tomorrow's earnings'.

Wage Shift Smart Contracts is where an employee 'worker' can bypass that wait by using Crowd Outsourcing to get that wage increase now rather than later.

An employee can even give the employer more rewarding options for their business with Wage Shift Smart Contracts, with the employer only needing to pay as low as 20% for employees wages, that's 80% less paid out by the employer.

Wage increases an employee gets is equal value that the employer pays for the Smart Contracts or the Crowd paid to win a deal.

The processing to produce the wages corresponds with the volume of Productivity that is stored in the Cloud, the more inventory added to the Cloud means that more Smart Contracts can be listed.

-  in all commercial exchanges of value in the digital economy there must be inventory of equal value held in the Cloud.

With Cloudfunding helping to equalize the highs and lows between people Wage Shift Smart Contracts can be used by anyone who needs to bridge the gap between their income and the cost of living, and that could be someone in India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, USA, China or Iceland, anywhere!

In the domestic markets in most developed countries where manufacturing occurs there are two shifts happening, one is the cost of Labour Market that makes products too expensive to compete against imports and the second is new technology is replacing the Labour Market needed to produce.

The danger in manufacturing is the loss of skilled Labour Market when a downturn comes from the overall economy and when products are too expensive to manufacture, what Cloudfunding does is provide the necessary infrastructure to support the Labour Market component that holds on to the old Labour Market skills by having the cost of Labour Market integrated into the cost to produce products as well as provide the platform that sells those same products.

Old skills are harder to keep so new skilled workers need to be found and Wage Shift is able to help fill that void where new workers are needed, they can be apprentices or trainees that are usually a cost to a business during the learning stages.

Wage Shift Smart Contracts provide the financial support needed by manufacturers to train new and existing workers without hindering growth and output.

Employment is a function of sales, so to have workers who are paid well there will be better productivity from manufacturing all the way through to the retail staff providing customer service to the end buyer!

Employee   l   Employer   l   World Labour MarketPlace   l   Short Term Jobs

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