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Global productivity is structured as an Inclusion Paradigm

It means the inclusion of all people is built into the New Digital Economy where anyone from anywhere can be involved in the productivity within the marketplaces that have normally been exclusive to traders dealing with products and services in global Supply and Demand.

The weakest point in any economy is the velocity of products and services moving from the Supply side to the Demand side  -  the typical tools and strategies used in encouraging this velocity has been to discount until demand is found, regardless of the lost profits  -  this typical strategy is a race to the bottom with no real winners in any economy  -  the Digital Age has the capacity to use digital technology to change the rules of Commerce, and save the economies from taking those loses.

Removing barriers

The Digital Revolution is vastly different to the Industrial Revolution but both will be similar in having major changes to the infrastructure and mechanics of how industries operate and how people will be replaced in many industries  -  people needed to adapt to the Industrial Era's New Economy  -  this time in the Digital Revolution the changes may have different barriers and may be less tangible, but being digital means things can be changed at such enormous scale that it bypasses the incumbents and the barriers that were formed to work during the previous Era.

In the transition to the mechanization of industries that produced and manufactured, Agriculture has always been used as the prime example of the great changes there was with the jobs lost, from around 98% of employment down to 2%  -  in the last half century, manufacturing has been the focal point of job loses to automation but the industry most likely to be effected will be the largest industry in most developed countries.

What transformation happened to Agriculture during the transition to the Industrial Age with machines replacing manual Labour Market will happen to the Banking and Financial Services Industry in the Digital Age Of Inclusion  -  with algorithms that will never forget, and scale exponentially with true values  -  it will remove any need for manual Labour Market to be involved in the risk management and speculation with the cost of money, it will eliminate the human judgment as to who gets the benefit of capital  -  it will all be done without incurring debt and it will include everyone, in real time.

In the transition from one Era to another there are always incumbents that try to move across and set up with the same control as before  -  the gatekeepers in the Commercial and Financial sector are no different  -  Cloudfunding replaces those incumbents ( rent seekers ) with a much more direct connection between the Buyers and Sellers  -  with the Global Crowd as the new gatekeepers, who sit between Supply and Demand democratically controlling the new equilibrium of Trade as it's tracked internationally  -  providing all the services for free.

Regardless of what products or services are produced, manufactured and importantly invented, they all need to be sold from a Seller to a Buyer  -  Cloudfunding provides the new equilibrium between Supply and Demand with Sell high and Buy low to allow economies to scale, equitably.

The New Digital Economy is 'its own beast'

The Digital Era, like other times in history, unique sectors could be identified, with the Digital Age there was always going to be people and data, social media is about people communicating and data is about the collection of information  -  the collective interaction of the two is where the NewEconomy operates.

Just as in the physical world, privacy will be paramount to all the participants, just as people converse in their daily lives on all types of communication they hold back private details, and especially financial matters  -  which is why the New Economy will always operate separate to other sectors by not blurring the lines between privacy and sharing, and always stand alone.

Commerce is the intersection between a buyer and seller in any economy, that intersection will be digitally driven as automation takes the physical jobs away, digital jobs that can exponentially multiply is the only way to replace those lost jobs, it will come as a relief for debt burdened societies, by having more free time because they can be more productive being the global gatekeepers between Supply and Demand stimulating growth  -  Sellers will gain more control with their own sales and future with the Digital Sales Division that opens up new possibilities for business growth in Free Open Market Economic Zones - FOMEZ.

Re-inventing Advertising as a free asset class value, provides the synergy needed to give Buyers and Sellers a level playing field, so more individuals can make the transition to a Scalable Digital Economy, each driving more global productivity.

.  .  what Agriculture was to the Industrial Age will be what Monetization will be to the Digital Age of Inclusion
Modern Banking and Finance is limited

Since WW2, there have been 9 major recessions, the first 6 lasted only several months but recovery had taken 6 months to get back to the same level in the markets as before the recessions  -  since then the world has been hit with 3 major recessions, the Global Financial Crisis being the last.

The impact that the 1991-92 and 2001-02 recessions had on many economies was a major turning point in the global economy's growth  -  each of the recessions had an extended recovery time of 2.5 times more than the previous recession

-  this compounding effect is proving similar after the GFC, with a much flatter recovery that has now been running into years and not months  -  maybe full recovery will be here in time for the next recession, leaving the world in perpetual stagnation.

.  .  the old economy is cyclical, it's structured to be speculative and profit taking  -  the new economy is exponential, it's scalable, sustainable and equitable        
Global Growth Scale
The emperor is wearing no cloths

The tools used by central banks and monetary policies, is to add more printed money into the system to stimulate productivity, problem is the money never reaches the area where productivity takes place, it's held by the money suppliers where it's used to prop-up markets where investors are wanting their share  -  the consequence is the debt held in the background is exponentially multiplying.

Markets have been propped up by an un-validated type of currency value that has only been printed to give Share Market profit takers a kick back in the hope that the profits are spent in the economies  -  this old thinking may have worked before but the game has changed, the Digital Era and Cloudfunding that operates with real-time information and value has called their bluff in how they create and back their free money.

The era of betting on the future outcome of productivity has reached its end, now productivity needs to be truly evaluated in real-time with real products and services, all along the Supply Chains, and be able to scale it globally across all country economies  -  syncing Supply and Demand so it can achieve and distribute true growth across competitive markets.

Hence why a new economic model needs to be adopted, one that is able to scale with all the new world demographics that will be changing economies so dramatically in the near future.

Eliminating the compounding Risk and Debt

The reliance on credit to create productivity since the 1980s has compounded and has resulted in weakening the family units, by forcing credit on them by taking on more and more debt to drive productivity, for the greater good of the nation's economic growth.

The risk has a multiple growing impact on individuals, families and countries in most of the developed world with the exponential increase of aging populations, which increases the effort needed by the remaining workforces by needing to take on more debt and risk under recent banking methodology

The result over the last seven or so decades on a trade and economic level has been that the world is more interconnected and reliant on other countries - this connection rests more on the indebtedness between countries and from financial institutions where credit and debt are used as the tools of incentive imposed on countries to increase economic growth, which inevitably trickles down to family units and individuals by encouraging them to take on the burden of more debt and risk, or be denied a better standard of living.

For most countries the challenge in recent decades has been to encourage their citizens to take on debt is done with subtle approach in many cases by hiding the growing burden placed on the populations by using financial and more so economic statistics knowing that most information being released is beyond their understanding.


Cloudfunding is the paradigm shift

Cloudfunding is a total paradigm shift away from imposing debt on society in exchange for a better standard of living and growing economies  -  instead it gets growth from the borderless distribution of Free Economic Value that incentives productivity without incurring debt.

The world is now moving fully into digital, and that means a much faster distribution infrastructure in achieving outcomes which usually requires value to be distributed for productivity somewhere along the line  -  that distribution point of value is where Cloudfunding takes a new path by removing the need for gatekeepers to apply a business model ( rent seekers ) that controls the flow of capital, for a cost  -  that global distribution and generation of value is being disrupted in the Digital Era.

Digital technology and networks have proven that the distribution of advertising can support a large network of businesses and industries, so much so that some digital players have a greater revenue than some developed countries  -  what Cloudfunding does is it shifts away from that proven model of inward flowing value that takes value out of productivity's overall supply and demand chain profits by large networks, and reverse reengineers that flow so the marketing value is distributed outward at an exponential scale as Free Economic Value, and gives it the flexibility to become free working capital in the hands of individuals in the global crowd, who ultimately become the new democratic gatekeepers in driving profitable outcomes towards the world's large number of SMEs that gain strength from Localizationin in Free Open Market Economic Zones - FOMEZ.

The distribution of credit by Banking is constrained by the decision on the economic outlook and the risk of giving credit that only comes down to adding numbers in the debt and credit columns  -  the distribution of Free Economic Value has no risk of being made into credit, as it's constantly constrained algorithmically within the volume of productivity across all types of markets  -  Cloudfunding reverses the position of productivity and places it ahead of distribution, reversing the way Banking uses debt as its leading function in the flow of commercial dynamics.

    Banking                                                                                                   Cloudfunding    
    Credit/Debt    -    Distribution    -    Productivity                                  Productivity    -    Distribution    -    Free Capital    
Cloudfunding Dynamics


Debt reduction is a must

To reducing debt can be attacked in many ways, it can be done by reducing spending and live within the income source  -  difficulty of this is that as a large economy such as a country it means reducing services that a population has relied on, it has many flow-on consequences that can reverberate around societies and build up a lack of confidence and hesitation to go out and spend.

Reducing debt can be achieved in the Digital Era with scale and technology, it can overcome the indebtedness the banking industry has placed on populations, businesses and governments with multiplied money based on future wealth  -  that future debt can be reverse engineered to exponentially recover debt in personal and corporate sectors  -  so true productivity can drive the economy, whatever size it is, without reducing the pie that has already been baked by hard work  -  it will give back the confidence for populations to go out and be productive.

The Scalable Digital Economy  -  is digital to the extreme, it's not burdened by carrying a legacy tied to old world banking systems with physical infrastructure, nor does it carry any of the individuals' burden of debt ( personal or business ) in the Private Sector from the Old Economy  

-  instead it focuses on giving everyone the advantage of reducing their debt, by solving inequality with cloud based technology.

-  to move forward, the New Economy incentivizes both Supply and Demand and Sellers and Buyers, simultaneously.

-  Cloudfunding is able to bring real-time Demand into all types of commerce with Price Demand as incentive.

-  its focus is towards local communities and economies that generate productivity at the local level  -  Localization.

This is where Outsourced Selling applies advanced pricing to change the dynamics of commerce and gives a Seller the position of having a Comparative Advantage over their competitors, even if those competitors use heavy discounting or dynamic pricing.

The New Economy integrates a complete series of commerce functions into an ubiquitous flowing economy that operates as the Global Open Market Trade Xchange  -  GOMTX.

Cloudfunding absorbs commerce payments into its ecosystem by removing the incumbents  -  it does not isolate itself from the global currencies as it's continually compared in real time with all the global currencies during the direct commercial activity between the Sellers and Buyers local currencies in the final exchange of payment for product.

The Platform has a fully autonomous SaaS architecture that's structured to operate as the ComTechX Industry  -  it adds Global Crowdto be involved in changing to a decentralized model with a digital infrastructure that empowers the players along the Supply Chains.


A New Economy is all digital but physically cashless, it's a perfect segue from the Old Economy to the New Economy with local Cash being exchanged with Digital Cash at local brick and mortar stores during everyday trading  -  Buyers and Sellers freely exchange Ownership.

.  .  the Ownership is the paradigm shift from being part of a monetary system and moving to a scalable economic system

.  .  this shift changes the dynamics of how global commerce and trade payments move freely from economy to economy

.  .  it changes the economic outcome of local economies by eliminating the costs incurred with old world incumbents

It has the economic mechanics to provide incentive and affordability to both Sellers and Buyers, with full 100% selling prices for Sellers and buying power for Buyers with 20% maximum buying prices, that generates growth with guaranteed sales.

The local activity is networked together and played out on a global scale inside the Global Productivity Grid.

Automatically flows into
Universally Distributed Income ( UDI ) Portfolios

With all commerce activity on the Platform each product and service that's processed with the Outsourced Selling and Buying activity  -  it's linked back through to the Universally Distributed Income ( FUI ) Portfolios from where all Users can build a collection of Location Tokens and gain a share of the Location Activity Tax collected and distributed across all the global activity in real time.

The method of Capital Investment being directed into industries and businesses is the backbone of modern Banking and that model has a risk involved when there's either a shift in markets or there's a lack of profit due to the cost of productivity  -  the typical way Capital Investment gets its return is through liquidating shares in a company after an increase in value or via dividends or leaving it up to wealth managers  -  UDI Portfolios challenge that form of distribution of wealth by directly focusing on reducing the wealth gap and inequality through inclusive growth.

FUI is a tracking mechanism of a global citizens use of tools to engage in supporting various locations around the world where commercial productivity takes place  -  the initial entry is when they support local businesses and help the velocity of local cash flowing in the local economy, what follows is a unique way that global citizens can link themselves instantly to where they think productivity will happen  -  what doesn't change in FUI is that risk is not part of this automated distribution because productivity is either positive or nil but never negative

the real time productivity data and results are unique with the distribution of value that comes directly from the local activity where the global citizens are linked through the number of locations that are collected  -  what makes this distribution process so transformative is it distributes the increased value from global productivity directly into the hands of the global citizens to increase their individual wealth, and does away with costly management fees and risk as the UDI Portfolios are free of costs  -  FUI is a free digital distribution process of global productivity profits that are directed to grow local economies, is far different from the Capital Investment vehicles that the financial institutions use to extract rents as part of their business models.


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Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

- this is the 'RunWay' we're now on, with the New Economy!


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