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Outsourced Selling

Local Media    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business

Local Media    Global Market    Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Locations           Global Productivity Market
Local Media    Portfolio             Portfolio
Local Media    Fashion               Fashion
Local Media    QwickBuys        QUIK-Buys
Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P
Local Media    QwickBids         QwickBid
Local Media    OMM                   OMM
Local Media    LA Agent            LA Agent

                  Sellers Exchange

            -   Seller Co-Ops
            -   Buyer Co-Ops

Local Media    Local Media      Local Media

Local Media    New Economy

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

Local Media    ComTechX
               1.  Sellers list their inventory of products and services at the full Selling Prices
Cloudfunds  -  the Free Economic Value - FEV is earned and collected simply by viewing QwickPics
The small value collected from the Seller's inventory is pooled as the Cloudfunds currency and used in bidding for items
It's free working capital that a Buyer can use to try and win deals, or use as one of the OMM business entities
Strategy is to add Cloudfunds for the majority of bids  -  UDC, the digital cash currency is added to 'stay alive' to try and win deals
Outsourced Selling  -  deals are won in the bidding process by a local Buyer or an OMM  -  deal value is collected and escrowed
Exchange of Product and Payment  -  if a local Buyer wins a Collection Code is released, if an OMM wins then Price Demand apply
When the Collection Code is presented to the Seller it releases the full Selling Price in exchange for the product, free of all fees

Consumers will always lead the 'demand' in Commerce

Shopping remains a great form of leisure that people enjoy by physically walking around shops or browsing online.

-  shopping is also a necessary task that will always be needed for the everyday items that surround us.

Changing that necessary task to save time and money is one that many people would start to enjoy.

A feature of Outsourced Selling is for users to list products and services that they want and then Alert their team.

The team is the 6 levels of users that can sign up under other users, when they are referred to QwickPic.

The feature allows Shoppers to list things like their groceries, pet food, books, car parts, restaurant bookings  .  .

Products and services can be items sold previously by Sellers or items that are stocked by several local Sellers.

The inventory stocked by Sellers is listed at full Selling Prices, even if there are discounts operating in-store.

Back-end processes check and create the Deals from the Seller details before listing the Deals for processing.

When the Shopper adds their Shopping List, Alerts are sent to the team, with a Notification for what's needed.

By notifying the team, it means that the Outsourced Selling process, and the earnings, stay within the team.

The number of team members needing to join in to bid is minimal, which adds to the competitiveness.

This process, along the user affiliate levels, provides the workload that some users rely on for their income.

Another great option is to form a Buyers Co-Operative with family or friends and spread the scale of work and rewards

When products and services get processed by the team, items are released to the Shopper at the same winning bid.

The Shopper pays directly from the QwickPay account, this confirms to the Seller that there's a Buyer.

Collection of the item releases the full Selling Price, delivery can be arranged with payment released on exchange.

Shoppers can opt-out in accepting the item, this allows the Deal to be released to other Buyers on the Open Market

For the Shopper, there may be items that need to use QwickFix to get 'Offers' from local Seller to select from.

Cloudfunding Buyers


                       1.  Cloudfunds  -  Free Economic Value is earned simply by viewing QwickPics, then using it as free working capital
UDC  -  digital cash is a neutral trading currency that is constantly compared with global currency values
Outsourced Selling  -  provides the incentive to generate commercial productivity without fees or adding debt
                   4.  Global Payments  -  the exchange of value to complete borderless, ubiquitous commerce, free of all fees

Products and services are exchanged at sustainable high selling prices and low buying prices, simultaneously

  Outsourced Selling  
Scale and velocity of trade and commerce is a key attribute of Outsourced Selling  -  great for local economies

SMEs, even industries like Solar Energy, can use Outsourced Selling to leapfrog the competition  -  for free

Pressure by predatory trade in the Supply Chains placing the likes of food suppliers in jeopardy, is countered.

Outsourced Selling turns Globalization around so as local Sellers have better control  -  this is Localization

Economy 2 Economy

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Growth in the 21st Century needs economies of scale without multiplying debt, as the case in the 20th Century

Multiplication of growth can now be scaled by tapping into the Global Crowds' thirst for a better lifestyle

The Global Crowd are independent market makers with equal opportunity to earn profit like any business

Their combined activity can be compared to a product assembly line that uniquely produces productivity

The transition of advertising, from being part of the mechanics of Commerce, to its distribution as Free Economic Value,

and its validation as free working capital tied to genuine Global Productivity in the Supply and Demand

of products and services, through to its final validation as a neutral global Digital Trading Cash

 -  key to the ongoing perpetual flow of economic growth in the New Economy.

Outsourced Selling finds equilibrium in Supply and Demand, giving Buyers and Sellers the winning formula

Free Advertising and Outsourced Selling solves the last hurdle in marketing, it gets sales with real-time demand

With no cost at either end of the commerce process, it achieves sales without targeting or discounting a product

Once the bidding has completed the Sellers have 2 options to Sell to their local Buyers

Flexi-Deals that have a Buying Price that cascades down to a minimum 20%, or to the OMM's winning bid

Why?  -  Because Commerce needs to operate at the highest digital level in a New Digital Economy,

.  .  .  if it's to achieve major economic results, at the least possible cost.

The Platform has a fully autonomous SaaS architecture that's structured to form the ComTechX industry  

-  it adds the incentives for the Global Crowd to be involved in expanding the decentralized structure.

It expands Main Street's online strategy, giving Sellers the way to sell products at impossible to ignore low prices

It gives Sellers 'the time' to provide greater customer service, without fear of surviving on discounted margins

Outsourced Selling changes the landscape in commerce, until now Sellers have been obliged to sacrifice profits

Sellers now sell at full profit, giving buyers benefit of discounts  -  how long could a Seller's competitors survive?

When Sellers list products the required Sales Taxes are included in the full list price, recorded ready to download

Discounting only solves short term Demand, at an economy's expense  -  Outsourced Selling isn't discounting

Outsourced Selling helps solve an unsustainable global debt  -  it opens up a New Digital Economy

QwickPic Ready
Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

    Join the Crowd that's going to get it right - get updates about the coming launch!                                     
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