Subliminal Interactive Advertising            .  .  brings Subliminal Interactive Advertising to local Media

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Search      Subliminal Advertising      News Feed     News Feed Distribution       Price Demand                

News Feed Distribution

    News sources come full circle with decentralized distribution    
    News, regardless where it originates from can be added to the news feeds and gain revenue for the source from subliminal advertising that flows past the readers  -  the incentive is there for readers in collecting Cloudfunds / FEV to use and validate to buy products and services.

News sources can be groups or freelance journalists, every source has the same exposure to uninterrupted readers, so the more important and news worthy the contents is to hold the attention of the readers the more revenue the source can gain.

While news groups survived before digital advertising on local and national advertisers paying for local exposure  -  the formula may have changed since with revenue coming from a limited connection to readers and new channels  -  but still advertisers pay for the exposure and hope to sell products or services.

Cloudfunding reverses the traditional way of advertising by eliminating the need to sell advertising  -  not only by making advertising free but by changing it to directly sell individual units of products and services with subliminal advertising displays, on a global scale  -  and instead of being centrally controlled, its structured as a decentralized network of Local News outlets that provides local journalist and content providers the opportunity to operate as a business under a chief editor controlling the content  -  with the revenue coming from local sellers getting sales, and from being tapped into global siAds revenue streams.

Instead of the massive scale to expose paid digital advertising to hopefully get sales  -  free subliminal advertising flows out passively with time based displays in the browser's background distributing value to directly gets sales, all without interrupting the user's experience.

Advertising is now all about scale and user experience
Places Target  Checkin Button  Checkin Yap

Local Media    Local Demand

Local Media    Local Media       Local Media
      -  Media Future
      -  Content Connection
      -  Monetization
      -  Print  /  TV  /  Web

    NewsFeed          News Feed
Food Pantry    SocialDemand   QwickChat

    QwickPic           QUIK-Pics
Local Media    Search               Business

Local Media    Places                Places
Local Media    Content Kings   Content Kings
Local Media    QwickPics         QwickPics Mobile App

Local Media    QwickP2P          QwickP2P

    Marketing Agents

Local Media    New Economy

Local Media    New Economy Defined

Local Media    DeCom Markets

Local Media    GeoCommerce

Local Media    Local Media      Local Media

Local Media    Local Zones

Local Media    SME Cloudfunding

Local Media    Co-Operatives
       -   Seller Co-Ops
       -   Buyer Co-Ops

Local Media    Queen Bee

     Latest News Feeds 1 38   Supplied from sources
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Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .

Australia Australia
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          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
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Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
UK United Kingdom
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Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
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          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia, Sydney, NSW
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Australia Australia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
UK United Kingdom, London
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Philippines Philippines
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          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
India India
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          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
New Zealand New Zealand
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          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Indonesia Indonesia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Singapore Singapore
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Nigeria Nigeria
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
France France
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Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Germany Germany
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Brazil Brazil
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Malaysia Malaysia
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
USA United States
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Canada Canada
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Spain Spain
News    Header for News Topic
          Pay Options
Productivity along Supply Chains is the true heart beat . . .

Global Productivity is the digital Global Markets  -  it connects . . . .
Italy Italy
  1 38
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