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Cloudfunds are free to earn, there is no interest or costs and Cloudfunds never need to be paid back, ever!
  Cloudfunds  -  Free Economic Value                                       Cloudfunds can scale for sellers and buyers
  Advertising starts a new life
  How Cloudfunds are earned                                                How does The Monetizing Moment work?
  How to use Cloudfunds
  How the bidding process works!                                         What is Cloudfunding and how does it work?

As Cloudfunds ( Free Economic Value ) are spent, a micro amount of value is debited from the Available Balance value along with other participants, this helps to pay for the full 100% selling price of the Seller’s Deal

-  it's all done without hindering or effecting the Users, this is The Monetizing Moment,

-  Users can continue to view unlimited numbers of QwickPic images and collect Cloudfunds to build their Actual Balance while The Monetizing Moment operates in the background

-  any Cloudfunds not spent during the bidding process are returned in full to the Actual Balance

-  Cloudfunds that are spent refers to the funds that are allocated in a User's strategy and are taken in the processing as part of the User's Running Total during the Call Stages

-  the taken amount in each Call Stage is combined with all other participants who reach the same Call Stage, at the end of each Call Stage the total amount of Cloudfunds are aggregated with all those participants,

-  then the amount of Cloudfunds are equally divided for each of the individual Call Stages before being returned to the Actual Balances, this means that if a User adds a high amount of Cloudfunds in a Call Stage they may get less Cloudfunds back, hence the continual strategizing by individual thinking.

        .  .  in less detail  >  >   <  <  back

The value that forms the Available Balance in each User's account, is the verified true value ( in monetary terms ) that gets continually validated as more productivity is exchanged with UDC around the world  

-  when QwickPics are viewed by a User the Cloudfunds are a Pending value, the value is only validated when the products or services that the Cloudfunds are linked to are exchanged between a Seller and Buyer, this means there's a continual update of a User's Available Balance.

This makes Cloudfunds ( Free Economic Value ) a global digital commerce currency with an intrinsic value that's constantly validated in real time.

The algorithms that track the exponential volume held in the Available Balance is the true value tracked world wide by the platform, as its earned and spent via peer to peer interaction in global commerce.

The Monetizing Moment is a modern day digital form of double-entry bookkeeping  -  that's able to keep track at hyperpace of global interactions connecting the global crowd with global productivity, and UDC, a neutral global digital capital trading currency that's convertible with all local fiat currencies, in real time.

It's able to keep track of the flow and distribution of wealth in populations and regions while being able to follow the trade of global markets in products and prices, trade volumes and values, as well as balances of trade in all countries and regions, in real time.

The Monetizing Moment mechanics help provide a true standing of an individual and business, it provides a genuine real time digital system, compared to what the Finance Industry's Credit Rating System fails to do, often seen as an antiquated method of evaluating a person's credit worthiness, this old method is a pathetic way of judging a person or business, it's not designed to evaluate things like a person's misfortune and genuine road bumps in a person's life like health issues, accidental misfortune, even the slowing down of a local economy that puts a strain on a wage, something that's totally out an individual's control, etc. . .

                               .  .  it's free to earn, has no costs, and never needs to be paid back, ever!

Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

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