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  UDC is the conduit used by the Crowd in the Cloud!                                                      1 / 3   next

Cloud Commerce gives Offline to Online commerce ( O2O ) the way to operate seamlessly across the world for free for all users, to do that a neutral digital trading currency is introduced that has a tangible backing, and can hold value and be easily verified

-  and there's none better, than to be backed by products and services, an offline inventory exchanged between a seller and a buyer, which adds to local Productivity tracked in the Global Productivity Grid.

UDC, the neutral digital cash, is constantly tied globally to a product or service that's exchanged and held by a seller or buyer at all times, the seller instigates the generating of UDC when they list products or services to be process via Outsourcing the Selling and validated when a buyer uses fiat cash to Pay It Forward, Now! at a brick and mortar store

Productivity can be from any stage of the Supply Chain if the product or service can be sold with a confirmed value,

-  if a product is successfully exchanged between a buyer and a seller offline using UDC, and that same exchanged value is verified again when the seller holding the UDC exchanges it for fiat currency using Pay It Forward, Now! with another buyer, then this is a confirmed and verified value that's held in the Platform's Global Inventory Value to back that equal amount of UDC.

This double verification process adds another layer of trust and security by validating both seller and buyer offline, which is continually repeated globally.

UDC is the neutral currency operating as a conduit between sellers and buyers in the exchange of a product or service and fiat currencies using QwickPay, it keeps itself backed by Productivity at all times by being verified by the Crowd to give it its intrinsic value,

-  Pay It Forward, Now! is the action validating the seller's commercial activity between offline and online!

UDC's overall value is the aggregated values of nearly 350 locations around the world and these locations are listed in the Locations Index, which is where Productivity ( commercial activity ) is recorded separately within each location,

-  there's a unique set of algorithms that collects a micro LAT value from the commercial activity associated with each location and distributes it directly back to the number of users linked to each location, all in real time,

-  this increased micro value is accumulated 24/7 from all the separate locations to maintain the overall growth value of UDC, the unique way that the exponential linear growth in UDC is distributed around the world is key to providing valuable growth down to the individual person without harming the economies.

-  the way UDC's growth is distributed helps to decentralize control by spreading the increased value across the mass Crowd scattered around the world, instead of centralizing the value and having the control monopolized by incumbents.

  the 'D.O.M.E.'


  FOMEZ - Localization

  Productivity First

  RingLink Tech


  Cloud Productivity

  UDC - Neutral Currency

  Local - Capital Flows

  Balance of Payments

  Pay It Forward, Now!

  Digitizing Cash

  Booms and Busts

  Open Market Revenue

  Automation - AI

  Fractional Economics

  Supply Chain

  Economies of Scale

  Exchange Platform

  Global Locations

  Distribution of Wealth

  Labour MarketPlace

  Affordable Living

  Job Creation

Any digital currency alone has little benefit to overall economies other than to create peripheral add-on services that merely mirrors the world's existing financial structure and continues the 'inequality' with speculative trading and adds additional costs to individuals.

UDC is a stand alone digital currency that operates without needing any incumbents, it's part of Cloud Commerce that operates on the Platform's autonomous Digital Free Trade and Commerce, it moves from Peer to Peer bypassing any need for incumbents to better serve local economies and governments.

UDC's value is dependent on the Platform and its operating economy to continue to maintain its value and existence, hence creating an environment where the users have a self interest in keeping it all 'pure and secure'.

The Platform solves the issues of merging offline and online and disrupts the finance and commerce industries by storing the offline inventory value in the Cloud in the Global Inventory Value, then connects it all together with a Peer 2 Peer digital cash currency that can flow securely and ubiquitously for free world wide!

-  when Pay It Forward, Now! is used to exchange fiat currency with UDC it changes ownership and completes the full 'commercial activity cycle' between buyers and sellers, validating the previous sells that the seller has made.

Paying It Forward keeps currencies inside economies pure so the values flow seamlessly all the way from one hand to another without incumbents diluting the values, it increases sales revenue that can flow on to government revenues,

             - it's like every 'brick and mortar' store just became 'the new local bank'!


The Platform is where sellers both online and offline ( O2O ) can build their businesses, where entrepreneurs can get their foot in the door and cut out the long path to success, it's where buyers will find the advantage that the Internet has long promised by clearing the obstacles to make local commerce global and ubiquitous!

To make that happen for all players there needs to be a level playing field that has to move away from the way local and global economies function around distribution, the Platform's architecture is built to solve inequality, and the only way forward was to develop a new economic model Fractional Economics that changes the dynamics in the 'Supply and Demand' and the Supply Chains to advance growth while at the same time pay backwards to rectify the debt built up using outdated economic models.

      see more on the connection of players that helps achieve Productivity :   Global Cloud Productivity

UDC is a P2P central currency with no transfer fees or foreign exchange fees.

Why is Pay It Forward, Now! needed?                                - see exponential and ubiquitous exchange flow

Check out a Deal Registration and Cloudfund Strategy

See a Snap-Shot view of a Cloudfund strategy and bidding for Deals

Cloudfunding generates Price Demand  -  digitizes 'cash' to flow ubiquitously around the world

What's The Monetizing Moment?

Cloud Commerce operates by Outsourcing the Selling to the Crowd by Cloudfunding

How Sellers Outsource their Selling to the Crowd?

QwickP2P   'Pay it Forward, Now!' completes the sales activity for sellers!

As UDC is validated and exchanged in the Digital Economy it permeates out into local economies!

see the connection of players that help achieve 'Productivity' :   Global Cloud Productivity

Wherever your Location is - you are not alone!

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